Can this file that is on your site AW139_test.SLDPRT be used for 3d printing objects with a CR10S5 3d printer?


Hello. I am new to 3d printing. I found the file in Grabcad and can view it in 3d mode but have not been able to download it for prep and 3d printing. I would really appreciate any information and help you can provide.

Best regards,

Accepted answer

Nope. Or at least not without first repairing the model.

The file is made up for surfaces, it has gaps, disconnected bodies, and holes. If those issues are repaired, you'll still need to scale the model to fit the printer, and doing so will make small features like the rotors too thin to print.

Depending on your printer / software, you may also have trouble working directly with SOLIDWORKS files. STL is a much more common format for 3D printing. But the SOLIIDWORKS model is much easier to work with, so stick with it if your setup supports it.

1 Other answer

Hello and thank you for your reply FredSWUG. Your reply was much appreciated. I figured the tail and main rotors would be an issue fro 3D print. I was interested in printing the entire fuselage and fabricating the rotors and small attachment mechanisms using my cnc router.

All the best,