Does VIACad V12 do sheet metal? i.e. with fold/unfold capabilities?

Been working with Inventor for > 10 years, recently lost access and it's WAY to expensive. I did a lot of sheet metal projects and loved all the bend, fold and unfold capabilities. Does VIAcad v12 have sheet metal abilities? Or - can someone recommend an affordable alternative to Inventor that does sheet metal?


Accepted answer

My suggestion is to try this similar to using Inventor or Solid Works but way more affordable. The big players in the CAD market are way too expensive for private user or small business. Alibre Design comes at a price that makes it possible for a small operator to actually get a return on your investment. Download a demo for 30 days and try it, check out pricing, best way to see if it will do the job for you. Good sheet metal tools.

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