Help with selling my 3D designs and models in the UK

Best place to sell your 3d models and designs.????

There seems to much choice,.

I like the idea of Shapeways and linking Etsy as that suits me best not having to deal with making the products just selling the Step/STl. Does anyone have any better ideas apart from my own webpage?
Been looking into CGTrader and just let people make/decided if they outsource the printing,

Is there any, That protects your rights (copyright/trademark) like NFT`s are doing?

I believe I have a few very good business ideas/products never seen before with these models.
(I have not uploaded anything of relevance to this site just some random parts as I'm holding back for more information)

These are NOT crap poorly designed, These are well thought out and engineered by an engineer with over 25years in the industry. From everyday inventions for engineering to Wall art 3D designs.

Any help/information would be great 👍 Thanks

2 Answers

This is a good question. I'm just digging into it. The two sites that caught my eye in particular are :
- Turbosquid, which has excellent traffic but takes a fairly high commission on 3D models. You have to make quality models to stand out;
- CGTrader, which gives a better remuneration, variable according to the reputation.

There are dozens of others, some advise not to put your models on just one site. And to promote it on other platforms, like GrabCAD for example.

In any case, it seems complicated to me to generate a good income with this method. You really have to know how to stand out.

According to the information I have, selling 3D models online is only worthwhile if you want to use work that has already been done. Either to exploit residual projects (used components, versions not accepted by a client, personal projects...). Or to make a portfolio, and combine the demonstration of your work with some sales.

But from an internet visibility point of view, I think that sharing on GrabCAD is more efficient.

That said, this opinion is my own and I haven't tried it myself. Maybe someone who has used 3D sales platforms before will have better advice?