Whenever i edited parts from solidworks assembly the entire assembly changed to single colour for getting part colours same as in assembly every time i had to do close and re open the assembly file? why it is like this

Whenever i edited parts from solidworks assembly the entire assembly changed to single colour for getting part colours same as in assembly every time i had to do close and re open the assembly file after editing the part? why it is like this.

2 Answers

Please Check Following Checkpoints-

Graphics Card Drivers: Ensure that your graphics card drivers are up to date. Sometimes outdated or incompatible drivers can cause display issues in SolidWorks.

SolidWorks Options: Check your SolidWorks settings to make sure that the option for "Automatic rebuild on open" is enabled. This ensures that when you open the assembly, SolidWorks will automatically update all components according to their latest configurations.

Assembly Visualization: SolidWorks provides assembly visualization tools that can help diagnose display issues. You can use these tools to check the status of components and their configurations.

Rebuild the Assembly: Try manually rebuilding the assembly after editing parts. You can do this by right-clicking on the assembly in the FeatureManager design tree and selecting "Rebuild".

Configuration Management: If your parts have multiple configurations, ensure that the correct configurations are selected and displayed in the assembly.

Color Display Settings: Double-check your color display settings in SolidWorks to ensure that they are configured correctly. You can adjust these settings under Tools > Options > System Options > Colors.

The behavior you're experiencing in SolidWorks, where the entire assembly changes to a single color when editing parts, is likely due to a display setting or graphics issue. Here are a few potential reasons and solutions:

Graphics Performance: Poor graphics performance or outdated graphics drivers can sometimes cause display issues in SolidWorks. Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date by checking the manufacturer's website for updates.

Assembly Visualization: Check if the assembly has Assembly Visualization enabled. Assembly Visualization can override part colors and appearances for certain display purposes. Disable Assembly Visualization to see if it resolves the issue.

Display States: SolidWorks allows you to save different display states for assemblies, which can include part colors and appearances. If a specific display state is applied that overrides individual part colors, try switching to a different display state or creating a new one.

Configuration Specific Properties: Parts and assemblies can have configuration-specific properties, including colors and appearances. Ensure that the correct configuration is active and that the colors are set appropriately.

Assembly Display Settings: Check the assembly's display settings, including the display style (e.g., shaded with edges, wireframe) and the level of detail. Make sure the settings are appropriate for your needs and that they're not causing the entire assembly to display in a single color.

Document Properties: Review the document properties in SolidWorks, particularly those related to appearances and display. Make sure there are no settings that are overriding part colors when editing components.

Rebuild Assembly: Sometimes, a rebuild of the assembly can resolve display issues. Press Ctrl + B to force a rebuild of the assembly, which may correct any display inconsistencies.